If you know me, you know I love podcasts. And if you didn't know, now you do! There is something about listening to someone talk in my ear on a thing about which I'm curious, or a pop culture topic, or hearing a favorite actor tell me something interesting about their life. It is surprising that my love for podcasts runs so deep because I loathe talk radio, especially in the morning. However, I could listen to a podcast at any hour of the day. In fact, I feel like I suffer a bit of withdrawal when I have gone too many days without tickling my ears with the tantalizing tones of a favorite podcaster.
I enjoy podcasts so much that I have co-created two of them with friends. Though, as you have most likely guessed, they have never aired. Even though my friends and I never launched them for various reasons, the creative process was invigorating. I graduated from college with a creative writing degree so coming up with podcast concepts felt amazing. Really got the creative juices flowing, you know? Both ideas for the podcasts involved scripts that I wrote with friends. Of course even though one of the many things about podcasts that appealed to me was the spontaneity and feeding off your co-host, we still needed a detailed outline of sorts to keep us on track. We love tangents but we actually needed to get to the point of each episode. The creative brainstorming process was amazing and I might just create a new one that actually sees the light of day (stay tuned...).
You could say these two podcasts were failures, but I took a lot away from the experience. Collaborating with friends was fun and eye-opening, getting back into writing after over five years was exhilarating, and gaining a new respect for podcasters felt necessary to fall deeper in love with the medium. It is valuable experience that I'll cherish always.
Most people play music in their headphones while on a flight, or they watch airline-provided or personally downloaded movies, but I listen to podcasts. I make sure about six or seven episodes across various podcasts are downloaded to my phone before boarding the plane, and I'm all set! I get a good amount of my news from New York Times, NPR, or Vox Media, and a lot of entertainment from podcast networks like Headgum or Earwolf. I love podcasts so much that I created a hashtag (#talkaboutitTuesday) to recommend the ones I truly enjoy to my Instagram followers. You can still check out the suggestions in a highlight on my IG page. And please, if you think I'd like a certain one, feel free to leave a comment.
What do you like or dislike about podcasts? I'd love to know in the comments!